He lost yesterday’s debate.
I didn’t actually watch it myself, and have not even read a transcript, but the Net is echoing today with howl of outrage from lefties.
Greg Mitchell calls it “A Shameful Night for the U.S. Media,” which is a clear indication that the MSM failed to do their job and did not deliver for the Left. They even irresponsibly went right ahead and asked “the candidate of Change” damaging questions on “trivial issues,” things like Senator Obama’s condescending remarks about small-town Americans, his relationship with the race-baiting Reverend Wright, and his refusal to wear the conventional political candidate’s American flag pin.
Mitchell cannot understand why the media’s representatives didn’t devote all their questions to the Left Blogosphere’s talking points, opposition to the War, class warfare, complaints about free trade, and so on. What’s wrong with these people? Don’t they understand what their job really is?
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