24 Jul 2008

Blog Commenters

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Typical Daily Kos commenter delivers a
well-reasoned rejoinder.

Daniel Libit discusses one of the curious features of the blogosphere, what he refers to as “the Commentocracy,” the critical mass of enthusiastic participants who not only read some of the most influential blogs (on both the left and the right), but who impact the political debate with their own contributions, some thoughtful and of high quality and others vulgar, violent, and obscene.

It’s not unusual these days for prominent commenters to develop their own readership, and to go on to become regular contributors to the blogs where they have been habituees, or to proceed to found new blogs of their own.

A certain number of blogs, in my opinion, tend to rely on the vehemence of their commenters’ responses to shield them from criticism or rebuttal. A hooting posse of blogospheric sycophants is virtually de rigeur on the left, but there are some conservative blogs which are also known to contain a comment mob.


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