Nancy Pelosi’s new book, Know Your Power, has been less than well-received.
It’s ranking 1576 this morning on the Amazon best-seller list, and 23 of 34 reviews give it one star (Amazon’s most negative rating).
Lone Pony reports that Nancy Pelosi has leaned on Amazon, forcing the on-line bookseller to remove more than 200 negative reviews. How lame is that?
Via Pam Geller.

Scott D
Ms. Pelosi’s preference for outlawing debate is well established.
That is a bit disturbing…if it is true.
First, I don’t see 1576 a bad ranking out of how many thousands/millions of books. It’s no top 10, but certainly better than I could do.
Secondly, how many of the one-star givers actually read the book? Given the divisive nature of politics (especially now!), how many of those people were just trying to ruin her book sales?
If her books is lame, by all means give it one star. But, if you didn’t read it and are just being lame, then I’m totally for the review being removed. The reviews should be about the product, not the person who created the product.
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