05 Dec 2008

First Threat From Muslim


Mattheus van Beveren, Mohammed, leaning on the Koran, Trodden upon by Angels Bearing the Pulpit, Liebefraukirke, Dendermonde, Flanders, late 17th century

I forgot to mention that, just last week, Never Yet Melted attracted, via an older posting from December of 2006, this blog’s first threat from a Muslim.

An anonymous commenter who signed himself as “Inter” wrote, referring to pictures of the Mohammed sculpture in the Liebefraukirke in Dendermonde:

the animal who tagged the picture will burn soon


tell you something write your home adrress on the wall … i am ready to come to you and teach you lesson how could you respect the greatest character in the world.


burn in the hell

3 Feedbacks on "First Threat From Muslim"

Dai Alanye

You are, of course, a weapon owner, I hope.

There’s no doubt that there exists in the US a semi-organized movement to frighten Americans into adopting pro-Islamic positions. It has been partially successful at intimidating the news media and a few book publishers, making it incumbent upon the rest of us to resist.

Interestingly, way back in the ’60s I received a threatening anonymous letter after writing a pro-Mihailovich piece about Yugoslavia. (Although it might, of course, have been written by a Croatian.) But I also got a signed congratulatory letter to balance it.


Oh, yes. My home is practically an arms museum. Guns galore and swords all over the walls.


this is rediculas to buld is cand of statues i think this the work of a fool person


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