Patrick Fitzgerald described Governor Rod Blagojevich’s conduct as “a new low.”
The affidavit contends Blagojevich discussed getting a substantial salary for himself at a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions. It also says Blagojevich talked about getting his wife placed on corporate boards where she might get $150,000 a year in director’s fees.
The affidavit also quotes Blagojevich as saying “I want to make money” in one conversation.
Blagojevich and John Harris, the governor’s chief of staff, were each charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery.
The FBI affidavit alleges that Blagojevich also sought promises of campaign cash, as well as a cabinet post or ambassadorship in exchange for his Senate choice.
Blagojevich is accused of saying on November 3 that if he is not going to get anything of value for the open seat, then he would appoint himself to the post.
“I’m going to keep this Senate option for me a real possibility, you know, and therefore I can drive a hard bargain,” the affidavit quotes the governor as saying.
He noted becoming a U.S. senator might remake his image for a possible presidential run in 2016, according to the affidavit.
The affidavit quotes Blagojevich telling an adviser later that day that a Senate seat “is a [expletive] valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing.”
In a conversation with Harris on November 4, the day of the election, Blagojevich is alleged to have compared his situation to that of a sports agent shopping a potential free agent to the highest bidder.
On November 5, Blagojevich allegedly told an adviser, “I’ve got this thing and it’s [expletive] golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for [expletive] nothing. I’m not gonna do it.”
On November 7, while talking on the phone about the Senate seat with Harris and an adviser, Blagojevich said he needed to consider his family and that he is “financially” hurting, the affidavit states.
Harris allegedly said that they were considering what would help the “financial security” of the Blagojevich family.
The complaint alleges that the governor stated, “I want to make money,” adding later that he is interested in making $250,000 to $300,000 a year.
The charges also state that in a conversation with Harris on November 11, Blagojevich said he knew that President-elect Obama wanted a specific candidate for the open Senate seat but added “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. [Expletive] them.”
Fitzgerald, the U.S. attorney, said the charges “allege that Blagojevich put a ‘for sale’ sign on the naming of a United States Senator.”
Actual indictment.

Sallie Parker
I am with Blagovitch or whatever, and Pat Buchanan on this one. He didn’t shoot anyone. He merely is alleged to have discussed the possible angles he could use to turn the appointment to his advantage. That is not a crime, so far as I know. Furthermore, the ‘[Expletive] them’ clearly shows the Governor’s state of mind. He feels neglected and misused and is in a mood to talk trash. How could any reasonable person blame him?
P Roberts
what’s all this talk about calling for Blagojevich to “resign?” … “throw him in prison” sounds a lot more fitting
it gives me chills to see how calm and collected he continues to act
Butch West
Blagojevich, it seems to me, was Nifonged. Nifong was determined to get a conviction without evidence of guilt.
The same is true of Fitzgerald, politicians, and the media with Blagojevich.
There’s not a single shred of REAL evidence against him. And it is a well known fact that there are certain witnesses he was not ALLOWED to subpoena.
When Matt Murphy said “We bent over backwards to make sure that the process was fair”. HE was lying.
If the process had been fair, they would of waited on the trial. What happens if this goes to trial and Blagojevich is found innocent?
It’s real easy to twist someone’s words to fit what you think they mean. And that seems to be what is happening here.
And forbidding him from ever running for any political office ever again is clearly unconstitutional unless he has committed treason [War] against the United States.
The Illinois Senate and much of media is essentially following and being part of the crowd, without regards for the WHOLE truth.
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