29 Jan 2009

Snowy Owls in Tennessee Don’t Prove Anything

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Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

John Hinderaker
, of Power-Line, is amused by the MSM’s ecological double standard. Changes of species’ ranges interpretable as evidence of the media’s beloved catastrophism are gleefully noted, but new appearances of sub-arctic species, like the Snowy Owl, in the Southland are just a curiosity devoid of any implications.

One Feedback on "Snowy Owls in Tennessee Don’t Prove Anything"

Dana Whitten

I don’t know what to make of this, but I saw one in my tree last night. I thought it was a white cat @ first and climbed half way up until I saw that it was a white owl. I googled it and it looks 100% like a snow owl, but I live in the south east + it’s quite warm here, so I have no idea why its here. I just hope my Maltese is safe! She’s 12 lbs so maybe too big to be of interest to the owl I hope?


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