22 Mar 2009

Obama’s Katrina Moment

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Even liberal blowhard editorialist Frank Rich is warning that the Obama Administration (two whole months into office) may have already reached the point where it can permanently lose the public’s confidence and trust.

It would be foolish to dismiss as hyperbole the stark warning delivered by Paulette Altmaier of Cupertino, Calif., in a letter to the editor published by The Times last week: “President Obama may not realize it yet, but his Katrina moment has arrived.”

Meanwhile, recent polls show that Republican support among independent voters has pulled even with democrats’.

One Feedback on "Obama’s Katrina Moment"

Scott D

Here’s a smart idea. Let’s let a “community organizer” lead hundreds of politicians who have never run a business in their lives in deciding how to manage a highly complex industry. Next, why not put me in charge of running a nuclear power plant?


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