18 May 2009

Clip-ons Replace “Dangerous” School Ties in Britain

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Eton tie

The BBC quotes an industry association report identifying the latest breakthrough in British mollycoddling: replacing dangerous, capable of individual expression knotted ties with clip-ons.

Clip-on ties are replacing knotted school ties as schools worry about health and safety, says a survey of school uniform suppliers.

The Schoolwear Association says 10 schools a week in the UK are switching, because of fears of ties getting caught in equipment or strangling pupils.

There are also claims that clip-on ties can stop pupils from customising the size of the knots in their ties.

Uniforms are an “instrument of social levelling,” says the association. …

The emergence of clip-on ties is part of a growing sensitivity towards health and safety, says the association, along with modifications such as high-visibility trimming on scarves.

Clip-on ties take away the risk of pupils having accidents with their knotted ties.

Schools have raised concerns about ties catching fire in science lessons, getting trapped in technology equipment or ties getting caught when pupils were running.

Clip-on ties also allow schools to create a more standardised appearance, says the association, stopping pupils from being more creative in how they wear their ties.

There is something perfectly embodying modern leftist thought in the combination of motives here: sniveling cowardice joined with leveling conformity.

2 Feedbacks on "Clip-ons Replace “Dangerous” School Ties in Britain"

Maggie's Farm

Tuesday mid-day links…

Via Mr. Free Market, Why kids yell:

How they sell Buicks in China
The UK wants to monitor your energy use. As we always say, 1984 was not a government handbook. Related: Brit schools to ban regular neckties. Too dangerous.
Missing link: A le…


Great! Now that we’ve got that solved, where do the kids put their Mac-10s?


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