17 Mar 2010

Journalists Don’t Recognize This Photo

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Ron Grossman recently tested the historical knowledge of younger colleagues in the Chicago Tribune’s newsroom with sometimes disastrous results.

I took a quick survey in the newsroom the other day, something between a Rorschach test and a pop quiz, asking younger colleagues to identify an iconic photograph of World War II.

While some instantly recognized the image, others couldn’t quite place it.

“I know I ought to know it,” one co-worker said. “It was in the movie, ‘Flags of Our Fathers.’ ” Some, seeing uniforms, realized it must be a war photo. Maybe Vietnam? One got the era right but the battlefield wrong. She guessed it was D-Day, not, as it was, the raising of the American flag on Iwo Jima.

3 Feedbacks on "Journalists Don’t Recognize This Photo"


very sad….

Lucius Quinctius

To be expected!


One of the bad things about being ignorant is that you don’t know how much you don’t know.
If you don’t know what those Marines did on Iwo Jima for our Freedom, and other service members did there and elsewhere, you’re going to be just that much more willing to let Freedom slip through your fingers.
And you can’t just kill those ignorant journalism students for being f***ing stooopid. At least, nobody told me you could.


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