02 Jun 2010

Remembering Freshman Orientation at Wesleyan

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Mytheos Holt went there, and he says that Andrew Breitbart is wrong. Freshman orientation in political correctness at Wesleyan was far worse than Breitbart realized.

For instance, students had to mandatorily attend issues workshops run by activist groups, such as BiLeGaTA (standing for “Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender Asexual”) which proceeded to explain that:

1. Gender is a social construct.

2. There are at least five genders* (what the other three are is not explained), not two, and that’s a conservative estimate.

3. The proper pronoun to use to describe transgendered people is not “he” or “she” but rather “ze.” The possessive form of this word is “hir.” The word to use in formal address (as in “Sir” or “Madame”) is “Ziram.”


4. Anyone who disagrees with any of this, or even questions it, is automatically “heteronormative” or worse, “heterosexist.”

*Curiously enough, BiLeGaTA roughly agrees with the inhabitants of mid- last century Alexandria:

[T]here are more than five sexes and only demotic Greek seems to distinguish among them. The sexual provender that lies to hand is staggering in its variety and its profusion. You would never mistake it for a happy place.

—Lawrence Durrell on Alexandria in Justine (1957).

Unfortunately, Durrell, too, neglected to explain which exactly all those other sexes/genders were.

5 Feedbacks on "Remembering Freshman Orientation at Wesleyan"


A few years ago, when visiting colleges with my kids (then applying), my spouse took one of them to a workshop related to an extracurricular of theirs at Wesleyan. So they toured the place as well. There was a poster up in the dorm saying “Friday Night at 7PM: Sex Party” with assorted details. He took his darling daughters’ hands and marched right out. That was that.


So preferred his brother Gerald Durrell. Much better writer.


“…mandatorily attend issues workshops…”???

If it ain’t part of my course credit hours that I’m paying for, then there ain’t NOTHING mandatory about it – other than the provost kissing my furry behind.

But the real question is “which Wesleyan?”

Assistant Village Idiot

“Ziram” sounds like an early Dungeons and Dragons NPC. Probably an evil cleric specialising in sexual-ambiguity curses.

Retriever’s family apparently made a successful saving throw.

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