03 Feb 2011

Bloomberg Wary of Official Groundhog

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It turns out that the recent silly custom of public officials play acting weather divination on February 2nd with the assistance of large cthonic rodents frequently results in the politician’s fingers paying a price for manhandling the marmot. And who would be a more deserving recipient of negative scuirid reaction than New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg?

The news of Bloomberg cheating this year even reached British Daily Mail:

Once bitten, twice not so shy, it seems, in the case of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his ongoing feud with Staten Island Chuck.

Two years after he got bitten by the woodchuck, the Mayor called the animal a ‘sonofab**ch’ on Wednesday, not realising he was being filmed.

Chuck lives at Staten Island Zoo and is the city’s official woodchuck for the Groundhog Day ceremony.

This year his new home featured a plunger-style device which pushed the furry fiend out into the cold.

‘I love the plunger. That was so much better than having to reach in and let the little sonofab**ch bite you,’ Bloomberg said.

His comments are clearly captured in a video by the New York Daily News.


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