07 Aug 2011

Amilya Antonetti Is Not Happy With Barack Obama

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A female CEO speaks critically of another leader’s job performance.

3 Feedbacks on "Amilya Antonetti Is Not Happy With Barack Obama"


The beatings will continue until business morale improves.


…and the morale won’t improve until Obama’s on a one-way ticket back to Chicago, where he’ll have ample time to write another book about himself.

“Bush Did It”


Amilya Antonetti for president. Although to be fair, I think we could elect Harry Potter for president and do better. Amilya did forget one thing, though. Besides being the Vacation King (and Queen) they are also the Party Animals of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I guess that explains why he doesn’t stroll into the office until after 9 in the morning. He’s clearly in it for the perks – and nothing else – and he’s laughing his anti-American self all the way to the “I’ll Make Money Writing Another Memoir” bank. But please don’t get me started. My country’s on fire.


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