22 Apr 2012

Mock HSUS Commercial

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Hat tip to Shiri Hoshen.

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This video was put out by The Center for Consumer Freedom – a front group for the animal abusing industries, including puppy mills, factory farms, seal clubbers, etc.
The reality is that HSUS gives millions to shelters and shelter programs. Their mission, however, is to pass laws to protect animals, thereby getting to the root cause of abuse and cruelty.
HSUS’s anti puppy mill laws have closed thousands of mills across the country, easing the burden of shelters.
The only people who would promote The Center for Consumer Freedom are animal exploiters and those with no feeling or compassion for the suffering of others.
Unfortunately, there is nothing that will fix the root cause of having no soul.


Just because one doesn’t genuflect at the mention of HSUS, doesn’t mean he clubs baby seals, supports puppy farms and eats beef. Oh wait….

Steve Bodio

“Michael” has drunk the HSUS Kool Ade. I assume he also demonizes “backyard breeders” and supports mandatory spay neuter, like every meddler who would destroy our bloodlines. (And one of their”missions” is to end hunting as well).

BTW Shiri is now our “dog in law”!


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