In the aftermath of the 2012 election, Secession fever rages on a scale not seen in a century and a half. 675,000 have signed White House petitions asking that each of all 50 states be permitted to peacefully secede. Which presumably would leave Barack Obama as President of the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Community of Fashion.
Report and links to your state petition.
One assumes that the response will be in the negative, but the White House web-site says that the Administration will respond to any petition reaching 25,000 signatures. Secession petitions from seven states have already hit and exceeded the magic number.
The libs are fighting back with two anti-secession petitions demanding that anyone who signs one of the secession petitions be stripped of his citizenship and exiled and alternatively simply deported.
A further petition has nearly reached its goal which demands that Pizza Hut and Papa John’s be obliged to supply free pizza for a pizza party for residents of the remaining states should either of two Missouri secession petitions succeed. Papa John, however, could be let off if he stops laying off employees.

Remember that Obama will also remain as President of the additional 7 unnamed states that he campaigned in during the 2008 election when he visited all 57 states!~
Jay Dee
I love the Progressives petitions to strip the other petitioners of their citizenship and deport them. If we can’t deport how many illegal immigrants, just how do they propose to deport an equal number who have the temerity to disagree with these self styled Progressives.
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