26 Nov 2012

“Australian” a Term of Racial Abuse in Britain

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Careful what you call him!

Call someone an Australian in today’s politically correct Britain and you can get arrested and fined for racial abuse.

Daily Mail

A woman has been found guilty of racially abusing her New Zealand-born neighbour – by calling her an Australian.

Petra Mills called Chelsea O’Reilly a ‘stupid fat Australian’ during a drunken tirade outside her home.

The insult was witnessed by police officers who Mills herself had called after a domestic row with her husband. Czech-born Mills, 31, was arrested and charged with racially aggravated public disorder. She denied the charge but was found guilty at a trial this week.

Miss O’Reilly, 21, who has dual British and New Zealand nationality, told magistrates: ‘She called me a stupid fat Australian b****. Because of my accent there can be some confusion over my nationality.

‘She knew I was from New Zealand. She was trying to be offensive. I was really insulted.’

The incident happened in Macclesfield, Cheshire, on September 4 after Mills had been involved in a row with her husband, Michael. Iain Mutch, prosecuting, said Miss O’Reilly and Mills had been neighbours for 18 months…

Mills also admitted assaulting a police officer by kicking him. She was fined £110 for racially aggravated public disorder and £200 for assault, and ordered to pay both victims £50 compensation and £500 court costs.

2 Feedbacks on "“Australian” a Term of Racial Abuse in Britain"


For those of you who travel you are surely aware of the trend for some Americans while overseas to say or imply that they are Canadians. So now Australia is the new America and New Zealand is the new Canada.

Sharp Shooter

A thousand thanks to Google Adsense for banning you. I’m in love with Google Adsense after reading this.


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