01 Mar 2013

St. David’s Day

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Put a leek on your hat and a daffodil in your lapel, it’s St. David’s Day.

And we can’t celebrate St. David’s Day without some Welsh singing.


One Feedback on "St. David’s Day"

Ed Bush

On this side of the pond, March 1 could be remembered as Sequestration Day, when Obama’s proposal of a 2.5 per cent reduction in Federal spending became effective. He had supposed that Republicans would back off from it because it would require cuts to defense. But he miscalculated and they did not.

Let us then commemorate Sequestration Day with a suitable decorations. A dimpled ball perhaps, in recognition of the Present of the United States’ preference for golf rather than governing. A tiny windmill also could be worn to symbolize Obama’s commitment to green energy. And we could copy the practice of eating Taffies, gingerbread cookies in the shape of a Welshman astride a goat, with gluten-free confections of Obama riding a Donkey. What to call them? I can’t decide if it should be Bammies, Demmies, or Dummies.


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