03 Apr 2013

“A System Which Nobody Else Has Devised in History of Man”

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Obamacare is making Americans’ health care more expensive, not less. How can that be? Charles Krauthammer explains that when you arbitrarily sever one sixth of “the biggest economy on Planet Earth” from a functioning market system and then try winging the planning of its operation, bad things are inevitable.

One Feedback on "“A System Which Nobody Else Has Devised in History of Man”"


Of course the Democrats knew this when they passed it. The fiddled with the numbers so that it could be declared cost neutral and that could ONLY have been done to coverup the problem. This was intentional; they knew it would blow up health care. Congress and the president kept their Cadillac health care, they didn’t put themselves under the Obama care umbrella. The only thing left to discover about this fraud and outright destruction of our world class health care system is to see how, down the road, they will manage to blame this on the Republicans.


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