11 Oct 2013

A Vivid Illustration of Our Government’s Competence

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They had three years to build it. They spent $634,320,919, more than it cost to build Facebook. They were able to build the Pentagon in just under one year and four months (11 September 1941 — 15 January 1943) for half the cost. And it was still dysfunctional a week after its scheduled opening.

Digital Trends
described the fiasco:

The site itself, which apparently underwent major code renovations over the weekend, still rejects user logins, fails to load drop-down menus and other crucial components for users that successfully gain entrance, and otherwise prevents uninsured Americans in the 36 states it serves from purchasing healthcare at competitive rates – Healthcare.gov’s primary purpose. The site is so busted that, as of a couple days ago, the number of people that successfully purchased healthcare through it was in the “single digits,” according to the Washington Post.

And our liberal friends believe we ought to be happy to turn over our healthcare choices, and a one sixth portion of the American economy, to the same government which demonstrably could not even satisfactorily develop a website in three years?

3 Feedbacks on "A Vivid Illustration of Our Government’s Competence"

The Sanity Inspector

The really strange thing is that Obama’s re-election campaign tech team was unarguably top notch. They should’ve just hired those guys to build Health.gov


The Obama campaign tech team didn’t want anything to do with a government contract. They were too smart to get involved in this fiasco.


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