28 Oct 2013

The Company That Built the Obamacare Web-site Built Canada’s Gun Registry

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Cheryl Campbell, senior vice president of CGI Federal, left, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday. CGI will earn at least $290 million from its Obamacare contract to design the site.

Mark Steyn identifies the Canadian Company which got the no-bid contract to build the botched Obamacare web-site. Who knew? They were already famous for their achievements on behalf of the Canadian Government.

CGI is… a Canadian corporate behemoth. Indeed, CGI is so Canadian their name is French: Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique. Their most famous government project was for the Canadian Firearms Registry. The registry was estimated to cost in total $119 million, which would be offset by $117 million in fees. That’s a net cost of $2 million. Instead, by 2004 the CBC (Canada’s PBS) was reporting costs of some $2 billion — or a thousand times more expensive.

Yeah, yeah, I know, we’ve all had bathroom remodelers like that. But in this case the database had to register some 7 million long guns belonging to some two-and-a-half to three million Canadians. That works out to almost $300 per gun — or somewhat higher than the original estimate for processing a firearm registration of $4.60. Of those $300 gun registrations, Canada’s auditor general reported to parliament that much of the information was either duplicated or wrong in respect to basic information such as names and addresses.

Sound familiar?

Read the whole thing.

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Amazon has a major technical initiative planned for its new Kindle Fire tablets next month. It’s called Mayday, and it’s a little button on the screen you can press at any time to get live onscreen help with whatever it is you’re trying to do on the Kindle. The operator can even take over your Kindle and demonstrate how to solve the task. It’s absolutely critical to Amazon that this service delivers as promised. Otherwise people will walk away from it pretty quickly and buy other tablets.

Imagine, though, that Amazon ran like government.

Nobody’s job would depend on whether this thing worked. If it didn’t work, nobody would be fired.

If it weren’t operable in time for holiday sales, Amazon would simply declare that Christmas will be postponed this year.

Amazon would charge some people $500 for the Kindle Fire so that other could buy it for $5.

Amazon would charge everybody who didn’t buy a Kindle $100.

Jeff Bezos would call a press conference and surround himself with ten people who actually got Mayday to work. He would then proudly announce that when Mayday wasn’t working you could still call Amazon’s 800 number and speak to an operator.

When confidence in Amazon crashed and sales plummeted, Amazon would simply issue more bonds that the Federal Reserve would buy from it.

The Board of Directors would reelect Bezos as CEO because, well, he’s really a pretty cool dude and knows how to use a TelePrompter.



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