22 Jan 2015

Pronouncing British Placenames

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One Feedback on "Pronouncing British Placenames"

Jerry the Geek

I got “glouster”. However, I can’t spell it.

to be perfectly fair, one should challenge our British friends to pronounce the place-names in the Pacific Northwest.

For example, GERVAIS is Jervis.

Corvallis is Core-VAL-is

Millersburg is MILL-ers-Berg

Philometh is phil-OH-meth

And Alsea is al-SEE

So .. GB is not the only place which has unpronounceable place names; Oregon does the same, and we’re rather proud of our unique Indian heritage.

oh, and BTW: “Canby” is pronounced “CAN_BEE”, not CAN_BYE”. i realize it gets a little tricky, but you have to live here to ask for directions .. nuh?


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