Sean Davis explains what happened after God created cancer, bureaucracy, and black flies.
And on the 8th day, God looked down on his creation and said, “It’s way too honest and forthright.†So God made a Clinton.
God said, “I need somebody willing to do anything, believe anything, say anything, no matter how false, in order to attain power.†So God made a Clinton.
“I need somebody with a finger strong enough to wag at the cameras, but gentle enough to hit the power button on an industrial strength paper shredder. Somebody to bark at Congress, threaten cantankerous committee chairs, ignore subpoenas, and hide long sought after document troves deep in the bowels of the White House residence.†So God made a Clinton.
God said, “I need somebody willing to spend decades nursing naked ambition. And then watch it die when some upstart nobody from Chicago decides he doesn’t want to wait his turn. Then dry her eyes and say, ‘Maybe in 2016.’ I need somebody who can shiv a political enemy with nothing more than a nail file and an iPhone case she swore was way too inconvenient to carry around in addition to a Blackberry. And who, in primary and general campaign season, will doggedly complete the Sunday show sweep, and then pop up on TV again later that evening to tell you, ‘The server will remain private.’†So God made a Clinton.
Read the whole thing.
Hat tip to Vanderleun.

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