26 Mar 2015

Some Useful Observations From Our Armed Forces



Liberty’s Torch has some classic examples of military humor:

The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in military aviation are:

1. “Did you feel that?”
2. “What’s that noise?”
3. “Oh S…!”

– Authors Unknown

Added in the comments section:

The Five Most Fear-Inspiring Phrases in the United States Army (in no particular order for the first four, but the last one is the most fear-inspiring, for those in the know):

A second lieutenant pompously saying “Based on my military experience…”

An Army captain musingly saying “You know, I was thinking…”

A private enthusiastically saying “I learned this in Basic Training…”

A sergeant mournfully saying “Sir, you really don’t want to know…”

A chief warrant officer, an evil grin on his face, saying “Watch this $#!+…”

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.


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