Marxism’s clown philosopher offers his own take on the great libertarian novelist.
His supposed aperçu is just a typical bit of Slavonic verbal acrobatics. Rand’s philosophy is “an embarrassment” only in the sense that it is a direct contradiction of 2000 years of Judeo-Christian ethical prescription thereby flying in the face of deeply-ingrained cultural assumptions.
It is amusing though to see the characteristically-indiscreet Žižek freely acknowledging the extent of Rand’s influence in a perverse sort of outlaw solidarity.

I’m picking at nits here, but it’s wrong to call Ayn Rand a libertarian. She not only was not a libertarian, she was emphatically and outspokenly not. While libertarians have adopted some Randian tropes, what they consider homage she denounced as plagiarism. To this day Leonard Peikoff is almost as shrill on the subject of libertarians as he is on Muslims.
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