06 Aug 2015

How History is Taught Today

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One Feedback on "How History is Taught Today"


Almost everything we have today, almost everything that makes life better, healthier and longer is the result of white males and in particular white males of Northern European origin. (Sorry if that offends anyone.) I don’t know why this is true and I do recognize that there are a handful of notable contributions from other cultures too. I think this basic truth offends many and it must be refuted at any cost. Therefore history must be rewritten and a search is made for anyone from that hated culture who made a misstep or uttered a false or inappropriate statement. When there is no evidence to support this agenda then evidence will be made up and proclaimed to be true. We have reached a place in our culture where a black person can berate a white person for wearing a “black” hairdo and accuse them of appropriation of culture while the black person themselves is immersed and even enriched by the euro-culture they seem to hate.


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