11 Mar 2016

Sad, But True

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2 Feedbacks on "Sad, But True"

Seattle Sam

Think about it. The United States is a country of 320MM people, and these two are the best candidates we can find.


Effing leave Hillary out of it-she’s a REgressive, that’s what they do-what do you expect with their bench?

As for Trump, who ya got in mind that is better? Who’s directly addressed the nightmare we’re living with common sense solutions and has articulated them without the fear of a PC backlash?

Who has a lifetime of executive experience so who better to run the executive branch of our government?

Who knows better what it takes to create 10s of 1,000s of jobs?

Who has spelled out how we’ve been getting the short end of the stick to the tune of trillion dollars/year with our trade deals?

Oh yeah Frank J is a real intellectual? Go nuke the moon moron and let us adults get this ship back on an even keel.


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