John Hawkins will never vote for Donald Trump.
Donald J. Trump is like a grown up version of King Joffrey from “Game of Thrones.†He is like a mean-spirited parody of a Republican on “Saturday Night Live†come to life. Donald J. Trump is a walking, talking Internet meme who seems to be spouting off shallow slogans half the time and lying the other half. He’s also a creepy, thin skinned authoritarian who has made it clear he cares nothing about free speech for anyone but himself and has publicly encouraged political violence at his rallies. Moreover, aside from some tough talk about immigration, trade and unworkable, over-the-top attacks on Muslims, his entire campaign has been centered on mean tweets, third grade insults and campaign promises that sometimes change from day-to-day or even from hour-to-hour. It’s difficult to know what Trump would really do if he were in power. His real views could range anywhere from liberal to conservative to South American dictator on just about any issue. So, if you’re a conservative who believes in God, country and the Constitution, how do you fall in line behind someone like that?
Read the whole thing.
Hat tip to Robert Laird.
Moron. The enemy of my enemy is always my friend until he helps me to destroy my enemy. After that he becomes my enemy again.
That or adios supreme court for one or two generations.
Insulting your host, nice. So the bloggers are right: Trump followers are infesting all conservative boards and making them toxic.
Hmmm Trump enjoys insulting people and his followers enjoy insulting people as well. Do I want to vote for this guy? Let me think…. no.
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