30 May 2016


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5 Feedbacks on "Suicide"


The GOP is almost indistinguishable from the Democrats in practice. That is why the voters put the Trump gun where it is.

Who, exactly, would mourn the death of the Republican Party?


I will mourn the death but celebrate the rebirth if it happens. We NEED two parties and we need an opposition to the Democrats/socialists. I hope The Republican party rises from the ashes to become a party of the constitution, a party of America and not the party of globalism (we already have one of those).


The GOP is almost indistinguishable from the Democrats? Remind me. How many Republicans voted for Obamacare? Speaking of which, it’s a reminder that if you lose the elections your noble backbench policies don’t matter.


No Republicans voted for Obamacare, granted. But the last GOP nominee for president instituted a similar system in his state, and he was made the party standard bearer.

I also have not observed the Republican controlled House and Senate abolish Obamacare.

I’m not saying there is no difference. Just that the difference is hard to discern. But I will vote for whomever can defeat Clinton.


The American people handed the GOP the house and senate, on the understanding that they would be a check for the left and to repeal AHCA. The voters put their trust in the party and the party failed them. I understand that campaign promises are sometimes just fluff, but when a commanding majority is given, progress must be made.
The #neverTrump establishment is a group of regressive conservatives who would rather see the race and right wing divided, and Hilary Clinton given the ability to dismantle the constitution by appoint justices to the SCOTUS for the next 4-8 years.
With regressives leftists and milquetoast republicans in power we will see our republic driven ever further from our founder’s ideals and closer to our republics end, if not in name, but instead her spirit being destroyed.


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