29 Jun 2016

Civil War Hardtack

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Steve1989 makes YouTube videos in which he tries eating military rations from by-gone days. This time he tries a 153-year-old hardtack cracker made for the Union troops during the Civil War.

2 Feedbacks on "Civil War Hardtack"


I doubt the youtube guy could find any as old, but in quality, something called a Maryland Beaten Biscuit would be a match. An axe, a sledgehammer, or any other tool comparable was used in the making. I believe the “Beaten” in the name referred to pure strength required. I don’t think there were many therapists about during Colonial times.

I was once on the Eastern Shore and met a woman who made them, and insisted I try one on the spot. I thought I would lose a tooth. She was so proud.


I think they were actually intended to soak in and sop up bacon grease or some other liquid .


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