24 Nov 2016

Meet America’s Pansy Marxist Nephew

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Here’s the interview with pansy Marxist nephew Daniel Vogel (who pulled down and burned the US flag at Hampshire College the night before Veterans Day).

Hat tip to “>Bill Jacobson.

3 Feedbacks on "Meet America’s Pansy Marxist Nephew"


All of this begs the question. These people who burn flags or refuse to stand for the flag (but only if TV cameras are watching) are not activists for social change or improvements. They are bitter angry people who would just as easily put swastikas on synagogues or burn black churches (or white churches). They are intolerant of others and hateful in their actions. The take greet glee in burning “your” flag or police cars or neighborhoods. They are merely using the “protection” our society gives them if they commit their violent hateful acts in the name of the latest PC cause. It is shameful and stupid that we reward them in any way for this bigotry and intolerance.

Seattle Sam

1. I’d love to hear from his parents (whose wealth was garnered from slavery, not from any work they did).
2. Please, please Daniel, keep showing up on TV. And bring some your friends. It will practically guarantee a Trump reelection.
3. I am sad that someday dozens of future students will have to endure a sniveling history teacher like Daniel.
4. What Tucker did not ask, and should have is this. “Daniel, I know you’re aggrieved and bitter. What is it exactly you want to happen (beyond publicly airing your bitterness)? And how do you propose to bring about whatever is?
5. Spell “narcissism”. Excellent, Daniel.

Jerry The Geek

I have no problem with people who consider burning the flag as their rightful expression under the First Amendment Right.

I just kick them in the nuts (if they have any), which is my 27th Amendment Right.


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