22 Dec 2016

National Geographic Goes Tranny

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When I was a boy, National Geographic was a notable locus of normal sexuality, being the one respectable publication, available in every doctor’s and dentist’s office, where a fellow could pore over photographs of naked (albeit dark-skinned) breasts.

The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions and the Culture marked another major milestone this month, when National Geographic put the photograph of a 9-year-old female impersonator on its cover, and piously patted itself on the back for jumping on board the Radical Left’s crackpot ideology of Gender and starting “thoughtful conversations about how far we have come on this topic—and how far we have left to go.”

One consoles oneself with the thought that every age is marked by mass madnesses. But, why, I often complain to myself, did I have to be born to live in the time noteworthy for the sanctimonious submission to ressentiment in every form? I’ll take the massacre of heretics and the burning of witches over this kind of contemptible bleating any day.

Life is full of ironies, of course. And the justice of the gods grinds slowly and wondrous fine. It would not be surprising, if, say, 15 years down the road, we were to read about a twenty-four-year-old male Avery Jackson suing National Geographic for many millions for ruining his life by exploiting him, and publishing a shameful childhood image, promoting psychological disorder and sexual abnormality. I hope he wins.

9 Feedbacks on "National Geographic Goes Tranny"

T. Shaw

Long string of [expletives deleted] . . .

National what?


A girl, 5’10” weighing 87 lbs. stands naked before a mirror and says, “I’m too fat, I need to diet even more,” and the whole world goes crazy. The girl gets psychiatric counseling, doctors’ supervision and special diets, etc., etc., etc..

A boy stands naked before a mirror and says, “I’m a girl,” and gets a cover on National Geographic.

Seattle Sam

Donald Trump could do something about this — indirectly. He could announce that at every press briefing the press secretary would give an award to an episode of PC madness. And he could start with this one.


In the 50’s when the Russian Commissar or president spoke the audience was required to applaud. And when they applauded no one dared to stop applauding first. Harsh punishments were handed down to those who failed to show the proper amount of obsequiousness.
That is what you are seeing here. The powers the be control what you may and may not think about LGBQT…whatever and they also demand that you show it, discuss it and bow to it endlessly or else. Every TV show, every movie, every award, every governmental action, every public action MUST bow to the LGBQT commissar and woe to those who quit bowing first.

Andrew B

Some day, perhaps far in the future, people will look at our time with a combination of shock and disgust that we currently reserve for blood-letting, leeches and lobotomies.

Your best bet blogs for irrereverence this holiday weekend – The Daley Gator

[…] Never Yet Melted is not afraid to take on the Left’s war on gender […]



Excellent summary of current PC madness!


I hope that day comes soon. Great comment!

Seattle Sam

Hedonism has always been characterized by celebrating the abnormal and denigrating normality.



Oh, everybody knows dark-skinned breasts don’t actually count as human breasts because everybody knows dark-skinned people aren’t actually people.


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