This photo of a chap in the uniform of Brazil’s PolÃcia Militar do Distrito Federal (PMDF) holding a strange super long revolver has been appearing recently on social media. On the wall behind him is what looks like the coat of arms of a municipality, but I have not been able to identify it. The photograph seems to have originated from one of those Russian-language “cool photo” sites that publishes images entirely without captions or explanations.
My source: All Outdoor.
That photo looks to be manipulated.
The guy on the picture may be an authentic police officer, I couldn’t question it. But the gun he is holding seems to be a fancy metal model of a sort that can hardly shoot any bullet. No more than a big toy probably, made for the purpose of display in a living room (such a childish bad taste!).
For if you look attentively to it, first you’ll notice that the axis of the cylinder is absurdly very close to the axis of the barrel. Much too close to allow for firing more than a tiny cartridge whose caliber must be inferior to 22 LR (which one then, if not an extremely rare German 4.25 Liliput?). Then you’ll see that the cylinder must be a part of an electrical engine or something similar found in a junkyard (like all other parts of this gun, clearly).
Last but not the least of many other unlikely characteristics I spot on this thing, given where the hammer is on the frame, then its firing pin could hardly hit the primer of a cartridge loaded so low (in the axis of its barrel since that’s where any bullet is supposed to go through)!
Well, it’s a fake gun.
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