13 May 2017

Portland SJW Freaks Out Over Discount Store Confederate Flag Rug

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Oregon Live

Unfortunately, the store apologized and suspended its employees.

6 Feedbacks on "Portland SJW Freaks Out Over Discount Store Confederate Flag Rug"


Well I get triggered by insufferable Yankee a**holes but nobody ever apologizes to me about it.


Virtue signaling.


Get her away from her offspring.


What a retarded snowflake. Pouring p__s out of a boot comes to mind.


Okay, to be really honest about this, the store employees crossed the line with the foul language and gestures. Granted she prompted everything by carrying on… and on… and on. So many ways this could have been de-escalated. About the only people present who were not out of line were the children, but given the behavior of the mother, one wonders how it will be in the future with them. The other woman bystander seemed to be nice, too.

As for the mother, she certainly has the right to comment, but she should have realized that the store employees don’t set policy. She should have just commented and at the first negative reaction she should have just left.

I’m guessing that she did indeed know that the employees couldn’t do much, but was surprised, and terrified, at the pushback. Well, well. Shoes on the other foot now.

Dick the Butcher



Reminds me I need to buy ammunition and get my old fanny to the range.

Seen elsewhere. “Social Justice is collective guilt and punishment, which means it’s actually injustice. Individuals only can be praised or punished for that which they have done. Beyond that lies madness.”


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