30 May 2017

Obamacare: Repeal and Replace

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“The people comparing the Republican health plan to what Obamacare said it was going to do are like if passengers on Titanic lifeboats complained that the menu on the Carpathia the next day wasn’t going to be as good as what they had been promised on the Titanic.” – David Forsmark on FB.

2 Feedbacks on "Obamacare: Repeal and Replace"


IMHO the Republicans option is not a good one and will continue to harm those people who want health care insurance. I do not understand the Republicans except to say they are deservedly called the “stupid party”. If they get this wrong, and they have, they will forever absolve Obama of all consequences of his disasterous health care bill while inheriting all the blame for their own disasterous health care bill. Why? Because they don’t have the guts to simply get rid of Obamacare and they don’t have the brains to write a decent replacement to it.

Seattle Sam

I think the prize for obfuscation goes to the CBO when they declared that 23 million people would lose insurance under the GOP plan. Yes, that’s what happens when you make ANY purchase voluntary instead of mandatory. If we made buying a car mandatory, then repealed the law, there would also be fewer people who would choose to buy cars.


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