18 Jul 2017

Finnish Joke

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There is an entire genre of Finnish jokes at the expense of the Russians.

In 1939, Stalin grew tired of tolerating the existence of Finland on the Soviet Union’s western border, so he decided to crush it. In December, 120,000 soldiers, backed up by six hundred tanks and a thousand artillery pieces, readied themselves to invade Finland.

The Finns were unperturbed. Their generals were competent, their borders were fortified, and their people were ready to fight and die for their homeland.

As Russian bombs fell on Helsinki on the 30th of November, and Soviet divisions began crossing the border, a joke began to spread among the Finns:

“They are so many and our country is so small, where shall we find room to bury them all?”

2 Feedbacks on "Finnish Joke"


Simo Hayha smiles,crookedly,with much mirth.

Old Salt

In the end, it Roosevelt as much as the Russians that stripped away a big chunk of Finland.


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