19 Jul 2017

USA Today: Not Enough Women & Minorities in “Dunkirk”

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Free Beacon was amused.

The USA Today review of Christopher Nolan’s newest film Dunkirk notes that there are not enough women and people of color in the World War II epic.

Film critic Brian Truitt gave the film a glowing review.

“The movie captures the real-life heroism of the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940, when nearly 400,000 Allied soldiers were pulled out after the Germans trapped them on a beach in Nazi-occupied France,” he wrote. “Nolan’s ambitious story revolves around three tales unfolding at different times over land, sea, and air, only coming together at the end.”

But somewhat apologetically, Truitt also bemoaned the film’s lack of diversity.

“The trio of timelines can be jarring as you figure out how they all fit, and the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way,” Truitt wrote.

The film revolves around the exploits of the British Expeditionary Force, which was drafted from the British Isles. Accordingly, there were no known women on the beaches of Dunkirk and or many people of color.

14 Feedbacks on "USA Today: Not Enough Women & Minorities in “Dunkirk”"

Mike aka Proof

Where was their complaint during “Wonder Woman” that there weren’t enough men on Themyscira island? Diversity!


Sooo… should I be offended if I note that there are few white people in a movie like “The Gods Must be Crazy “? How about the Tile Lead in the play “Hamilton”, NOT resembling the historic figure, save for both having the requisite plumbing?

Soren K

If Alexander Hamilton can be black, who knows what major WW2 national and global figures may also be black?


I’m pretty sure that the women and people of color who were around in May of 1940 would have been quite happy not to be at Dunkirk.


They can have more women & POC in “Dunkirk 2”, due in theaters in 2019. Samuel L,Jackson will play Churchill, while Christopher Waltz will be Guderian. Gun-totting Beyonce could be truck-driving future Queen Elisabeth. (white actors would play bad guys while women & POCs would be good Allies)

Dick the Butcher

I think I know how the movie ends. I’m saddened to contemplate how America collapsed.

Terrarium Tv

I did not think about all these things while watching the movie. I enjoyed every bit of the movie. I think Nolan focused more on story than these things.

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That is the way that we have got here.


Yes it is true. There is no main actors in the Dunkirk but each story has its own hero. The movie was beautiful but I were expecting something more.
Thanks for sharing

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it’s really amazing movie and a wonderful thought.

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that was the best shoot in the movie that i ever watched, i also enjoy this amazing movie. thanks for sharing

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There’s certainly a lot to know about this subject. I love all the points you made.


Thanks a lot for the hard work you are doing for us.

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it’s really amazing movie and a wonderful thought.


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