03 Aug 2017

“Detroit” (2017)

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Steve Sailor, at Taki Mag, questions the Hollywood narrative.

The key moment in the self-destruction of the once great American city of Detroit over the past half century can be dated precisely to July 23, 1967, when blacks began the Detroit Riot. Before 4,700 paratroopers from the U.S. Army’s 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions finally halted the orgy of criminality, African Americans had looted 2,500 stores and burned down 400 buildings in their own neighborhoods.

The next year, 80,000 whites moved out of Detroit. (In 2017, the total population of Detroit is almost a million lower than fifty years ago.)

Of course, today we are instructed to think of these white refugees from black violence not as victims but as perps. Almost nobody is interested in the stories of the millions of Americans whose lives were literally dislocated by the huge surge in black urban crime during the peak years of American liberalism, 1964–75.

For example, the opening text for the new movie Detroit, which opens nationally on Friday, pins the blame for the black riot of 1967 on the economic devastation caused by the 22,000 whites who had presciently left Detroit the year before, apparently taking all the magic dirt with them, leaving only the tragic dirt.


HT: Margot Darby.

3 Feedbacks on "“Detroit” (2017)"

Seattle Sam

In any big city there is a mix of decent, productive people and deviant unproductive people. When government drives away too many of the former, the mixture becomes unstable.
In Detroit’s case, what really hurt was that the middle class blacks fled to the suburbs, too.


From the post above: “The productive fled!” This repeats itself in city after city. I remember Oakland when you could actually walk around while being white. I remember in the 70’s St Louis was “OK” while across the river East St Louis was dangerous.

Remember Boston in 1974 when a well meaning naive judge decided to use extra-constitutional methods to integrate the schools in a neighborhood that was 99% Italian? The result was white flight a decade or two of turmoil, the value of homes in the entire neighborhood plummeted the very predictable result was a slum, high crime and now the schools are… wait for it… segregated schools, mostly black, unsafe for all children, black or white. Where is that judge who destroyed an entire community???



Right again. These judges should be required to move into the neighborhoods they are dealing with.


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