04 Aug 2017

Majority of Harvard Class of 2021 Non-White

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Harvard 1897 Football Team

Earlier this Spring, it was announced that the closing line of Harvard’s Alma Mater “Fair Harvard” would be changed from “‘Til the stock of the Puritans die.” The stock of the Puritans has not totally died, but it has obviously surrendered primacy of representation at the ancient university it founded in 1636 to strangers and aliens.

Washington Times:

Harvard University’s incoming freshman class will be unlike any since its founding in 1636 — the majority of students are non-white.

The institution, which has made a concerted effort in recent years to become more diverse, confirmed that 50.8 percent of its class of 2021 are non-white.

The institution, which has made a concerted effort in recent years to become more diverse, confirmed that 50.8 percent of its class of 2021 are non-white.

Maybe “the stock of the Puritans” ought to have a go at taking over Howard and Tuskegee.

7 Feedbacks on "Majority of Harvard Class of 2021 Non-White"


Interesting picture of the football team. It brings up the issue of racial discrimination in sports today. Most players in professional football and basketball are black. By the standards our courts use this is a segregated team and intentional discrimination. Our teams should be 13% black, 15% Hispanic, 3% Asian and .001% American Indian. It is time for affirmative action to make these teams more “equal”. I await fulll agreement and support from the ACLU…

Dick the Butcher

Last I looked whites were about 60% of US. Is this “selective” racist quota management?

To cite the renowned American philosopher, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

GWTW, Maybe our President’s DoJ will tackle (pun intended) that human rights crisis next.

Seattle Sam

I’m sure all those people will grow up to be magnificent donors to the alumni fund. As will the parents of the white kids who were denied admission to accommodate them.

Seattle Sam

Actually that stat is misleading because it counts Hispanics (most of whom would consider themselves white) as non-white. Marco Rubio’s children will be counted as non-white.

Bob Sykes

If you separate out Jews from Whites (as most Jews do), Harvard has been minority White for a while.

You might want to reread Unz’ inadvertent revelations on that point.




I used to joke that I went to Harvard. I lived near Harvard when I was a teen and would go down to the area on Friday and Saturday nights looking for a party. Just listen for the music and walk into the apartment building and act like you belonged there and party on. But this was in the late 50’s and early 60’s and honestly by today’s standards their parties were pretty tame. A little drinking, a little making out maybe and mostly hanging out talking. Seemed like fun to me.


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