Dan Greenfield has it right.
When the left insists that everyone with white skin is part of white supremacy, that Shakespeare, Beethoven and all of Western civilization embody white supremacy, it’s echoing the actual talking points of white supremacy.
If you tell all Obama critics and Trump supporters that they’re racists often enough, some will decide that maybe they are racists.
If you tell a student who objects to racially segregated areas on campus that she is a white supremacist, she will be more likely to become one.
When you marginalize everyone to the right of you, some of the marginalized will accept the definition.
And when that happens, the left wins, the extremists win, and it becomes harder to maintain any kind of functioning civil society in which we settle conflicts through compromises rather than street violence.
Compromises are uncomfortable.
After the Civil War, the Union was preserved, but Southerners were allowed to honor their cause. It was an uncomfortable compromise, but it helped limit the violence from a conflict that had claimed the lives of 2% of the population. The Taliban campaign by black nationalists to tear down Confederate memorials was a deliberate effort at shattering a compromise that kept civil society working.
And that too led to Charlottesville.
Uncomfortable compromises are how we learn to live with each other. It means that there can be memorials of Robert E. Lee and streets named after Malcolm X. Tolerating people whose views we don’t like is one of the best ways to marginalize domestic extremists. When one set of extremists is empowered to wipe out the other, we end up with a civil war. Just ask Edmund Ruffin and John Brown.
Democrats claim a mandate from the “Right Side of History†to eliminate all the compromises. Catholic nuns must pay for abortions and birth control, Christian bakers and florists must participate in gay weddings, every white person must confess their racism, and every left-wing extremist must get their way.
That’s how you tear a society apart.
The Bill of Rights is an uncomfortable compromise. It says that we have to put up with people we don’t like. The Democrats, under the influence of the left, are rejecting that idea. But that goes both ways too.
You can have a liberal society or an illiberal one. But you can’t have a society that is selectively liberal when it comes to your bigotry, but illiberal of the bigotry of others, that believes you have the right to say anything you please without consequences, but that no one else does, that you can punch, but not be punched. That’s a totalitarian state. And the only way to realize it is through violence.
Democrats need to take an honest look at the street violence in Seattle, in Portland, in Berkeley and Charlottesville, and decide if this is what they really want. If they don’t, it’s time for them to stop normalizing left-wing extremism. If they do, then they are to blame for the next Dallas or Charlottesville.

Seattle Sam
Why would the left compromise? They get what they want when they win elections and they get nearly what they want when they lose them. In any case, they have the media behind them. At Charlottesville there were four people arrested. Two from the “Alt-Right” demonstrators and two from the “Alt-left” demonstrators. But the media is outraged with anyone who would suggest that there might be two sides at fault there. If Pravda said it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen.
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