The Pro-Gun Georgia Legislature responded to Delta Airlines taking sides in the national gun control debate by cancelling a long-standing NRA-members discount.
The Georgia Legislature stripped a $50-million jet fuel tax exemption for Delta from its budget bill and Governor Nathan Deal yesterday signed that budget.
On Twitter, the NRA got the last laugh:
I’m a Life Member of the NRA and I have never remembered to ask for any of those member discounts from car rental agencies, motels, or airlines.
Way to go Delta! Great management.
HT: Vanderleun.

Dick the Butcher
I wouldn’t fly Delta if they hired beautiful, young women as flight attendants, and said young damsels served me free single-malt scotch while naked.
My wife would shoot me.
Seattle Sam
I guarantee you that the motivation for all of these companies is a CEO who wants to be written about favorably by the press. It would generally be a bad business move for the company, but why should stockholders be served?
Dick the Butcher
Get woke. Go broke.
My first reaction was “why in the hell do they get special tax treatment. IMHO part of the reason that our government can continue to raise taxes on us poor shlubs is because many groups and special interests that might oppose it are exempted from them. Tax 100% equally. End all exemptions and loopholes.
Spurt Reynolds
Time to fight back and hurt these American hating fascists right where it hurts… their wallet.
Hanoi Paris Hilton
One of the first corporations to jump onto the anti-NRA jihad bandwagon was the First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO), which is the parent company of my friendly community bank in DeKalb IL. Of the seven states in which FNBO or its subsidiaries operate —Nebraska, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and Texas— five went for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Seems like they may have set themselves up for a nasty consumer boycott from here in the heartland. If you are a client/customer of an FNBO affiliate, I strongly encourage you to send a note explaining your likely future banking options to Mr. Kevin Langin : the FNBO PR flack handling what really should be a major sh*tstorm. You can tell him I sent you. Next up, I’ll see how far I get talking to United Airlines’s PR flacks at their Chicago HQ.
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