07 Apr 2018

Cape York Shotgun


A flintlock shot gun was found inside a tree harvested on Cape York, the northernmost point in Australia, in the course of it being milled into boards. The gun is supposed to have been left in the fork of the tree and the tree grown around it over many years.

Via Wide Open Spaces.

4 Feedbacks on "Cape York Shotgun"

Spurt Reynolds

They better confiscate it quick before it
Kills someone. Damn NRA!!!


It is entirely possible that the original owner enriched the diet of some locals at the time. Even just a utilitarian grade shotgun would be far to important a defensive or hunting weapon to simply lose or misplace, too bad the old piece can’t talk.


‘far too important’, damn autocorrect!

Al Martin

First, it’s not a flintlock. It is a breechloading double barrel shotgun of the late 19th century. I went to the original Australian site where it was reported as an “old shotgun” or some such. At the point where it was reposted it seems to have become a “flintlock”. I suppose that “flintlock” sounds cooler. I bet the guy that owned the sawmill would have rather not found it and messed up a blade.


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