NORTH BEND, Wash. — One man is dead and another has been injured in a cougar attack in Washington, authorities said Saturday.
The two men were on a morning mountain bike ride in the foothills near North Bend when the attack occurred, King County Sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ryan Abbott said.
The cougar ran into the woods, he said. The Seattle Times reported state officials tracked, shot and killed the cougar just before 3 p.m.
North Bend is about 30 miles east of Seattle. The injured victim, who is in his 40s, was airlifted to a hospital. He was initially listed in serious condition but has since been upgraded to satisfactory.
A search and rescue team has been dispatched to recover the body of the deceased man.
KIRO-TV reported that the injured man called 911 shortly before 11 a.m. and shouted, “Can you hear me? Help!” and then the call hung up.
Authorities found the cougar standing over the body of the dead biker, the station reported.
It wasn’t immediately clear if the two victims were biking together or separately.
That’s the Left Coast for you.
Coastal cities and suburbs densely inhabited by granola-crunching moonbats on bicycles exist just a short distance from genuine wilderness. The crunchies love the scenery and think nothing of going off into an out-of-doors shared with large predators unarmed, unprepared, and unaware.
In 1900, nobody would have considered going off into mountain lion country unable to defend himself. Today, the overwhelming majority of Left Coast-ers would not dream of carrying a gun, and a sizable percentage will protest the shooting of a man-eating mountain lion.

I live a few miles South of there and walk in the woods almost everyday. Yesterday we saw large cat prints (can’t tell if it was cougar or Bobcat). Also there are black bear who are particularly hungry in the spring. A gun does give you a warm feeling when you are a few miles in and see large predator tracks.
Local authorities may not allow carring a gun . Liberals don’t view self defense as a valid reason to carry a gun. Libs feel that a person carring a gun is looking for a reason to use it, thus causing the situation where a person needs a gun.
No hunting means predators dont fear man.
Dont see him as a predator/threat. Too many predators in an area means less prey to around.
Viola. Man becomes prey.
Coyotes also attacking humans. Not even an apex predator but see urban dwellers as soft target.
***dinner bell****
When I walk in the winter I see coyotes in early morning. They come in where homes are to raid the trash or dog dishes. Generally they are large and healthy. I have seen three right together but typically just one at a time. The time I saw three, perhaps 100 yds or less away, I was a little concerned, being outnumbered and all. But they saw me, ignored me and made no move towards me. Pet dogs on the other hand are a real threat. I once had a Rottweiler jump a fence and come for me. I was carrying a collapsable baton and I snapped it open and the dog skidded to a stop and retreated. I have had others that I had to hold off with the baton. Usually just seeing will keep them back but some will need a good whack on the head to figure it out. I do carry a gun but I’m not going to shoot someone’s dog. I may have to beat it senseless with the baton but I won’t shoot it. Coyotes at least respect/fear humans but dogs do not.
Oregon Fish and Wildlife says to fight back with rocks and sticks.
What is this, the stone age?
Stephen M Lawrence
I have seen bears and coyotes throughout the northeast Pennsylvania woods many times over the years. I always keep a healthy distance. I also carry a gun, and if a domesticated dog charged me I would not hesitate to dispatch it after a warning shot.
Oregon is an open carry state and a must issue concealed carry. They also changed the laws for state and federal land a few years back. The fish and game was ticketing people for carrying a rifle out of hunting season and for carrying an inappropriate caliber rifle (one that was not allowed for hunting) during hunting season. But the state legislature stepped in and insisted that they and only they could make gun laws and all weapons could be carried in wild areas at any time. The hunting laws still apply but they can’t ticket you for having a rifle out of season. So you can carry a gun in Oregon. Don’t carry one in Portland, the police there will find a way to put you in jail.
Seattle Sam
The Seattle City Council has responded by declaring Seattle a Cougar-free Zone.
BTW, this incident occurred very close to Cougar Mountain. Why do you suppose it was named that?
Let's Review 79: The Evaporating Book - American Digest
[…] Mountain Lion Kills 1, Injures Another, 30 Miles East of Seattle Coastal cities and suburbs densely inhabited by granola-crunching moonbats on bicycles exist just a short distance from genuine wilderness. The crunchies love the scenery and think nothing of going off into an out-of-doors shared with large predators unarmed, unprepared, and unaware. […]
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