In Science, for a theory to be believed, in must make a new prediction –different from those made by previous theories– for an experiment not yet done. For the experiment to be meaningful, we must be able to get an answer that disagrees with that prediction. When that is the case, we say that a theory is falsifiable –vulnerable to being shown false. The theory also has to be confirmable; it must be possible to verify a new prediction that only this theory makes. Only when a theory has been tested and the results agree with the theory do we advance the theory to the ranks of true theories.

Alternatively, AGW is just another in a long line of excuses for the Corruptocrats to add taxes and destroy the economy so as to make way for the “new & Improved” version of “socialism”.
They are inspired by Maduro. Take the guns and destroy the economy so there is nothing with which to make Molotov Cocktails. What can go wrong (as long as there is a fueled aircraft standing by.)? Note that AOC & Co. had to keep Amazon out of New York lest the dispair and poverty be destroyed by new pay-checks. None of the intended victims will participate in a socist revolution if there is food and a warm home. Except “Che” and his kind that we keep quarantined away from the “normies” and their families.
Just sayin’.
(sic) “socialist”.
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