30 Oct 2020

Ignore the Polls

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Glenn Reynolds forwards a Facebook post:

“If the media narrative were real and this race was a potential Dem blowout, Uncle Joe would be in Texas. If it were a straight tossup, he’d be in Pennsylvania. But he’s going to MINNESOTA. And that absolutely SCREAMS that he’s on defense, and knows it. On defense so much that he can’t even worry about obviously LOOKING like he’s on defense.”

2 Feedbacks on "Ignore the Polls"

Schill McGuffin

Honesty, Hillary might have done the same thing, but that was because she didn’t care much for campaigning, and wanted to hang out in places where she’d be fawned over. Joe, of course, doesn’t have to face many people at his rallies anyway, so this assessment is probably right on the money.


But the dozen or so people that they hired as an audience look so “enthusiastic”. And where is Hunter? He could show what the Bidens are really all about.


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