Corryvreckan Whirlpool-
“this seems like something that should only be in movies”
-and so it is: “I Know Where I’m Going!”/Powell&Pressburger, 1945.
Honorable mention; Hell’s Gate in Canada in the Spring.
Then, of course, there is Seneca Lake, between Rosemont and Thornton that will suck out your soul.
Beware the November witch. The Lake never gives up her dead.
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Corryvreckan Whirlpool-
“this seems like something that should only be in movies”
-and so it is: “I Know Where I’m Going!”/Powell&Pressburger, 1945.
Honorable mention; Hell’s Gate in Canada in the Spring.
Then, of course, there is Seneca Lake, between Rosemont and Thornton that will suck out your soul.
Fusil Darne
Beware the November witch. The Lake never gives up her dead.
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