07 Feb 2021

A Liberal’s Response to Rural Kindness

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The snow was too deep for Cadet our basset hound.

Our first winter in our Virginia home atop the Blue Ridge, the heavens opened and it snowed two feet. I had inherited an old John Deere riding mower from the previous owners that could have a plow blade mounted on front, but that little garden tractor could not remotely handle that magnitude of snow.

My wife and I were already no longer young, and our driveway was long. We were wondering how long we’d be trapped when we heard noises outside. A neighbor, from a long way down the road, owned a Bobcat, and he was digging out everybody along Raven Rocks Road.

That kind of thing is both extraordinary and yet typical of life in rural America. Our neighbor had the right tool for the job and he knew perfectly well that almost nobody else was similarly equipped. He knew, too, that we were a long way from town, and the chances of anybody obtaining professional assistance were slim. So he just went down the whole road and dug everybody out.

I ran out and offered money, and he naturally refused. A few days later, I went to his house and dropped off a pretty good bottle of Bourbon.

One of the really nice things about living in the country, in red state, fly-over America is that people are neighborly. They believe in helping out other people who need a hand, and they regard it as their own responsibility to do that, not somebody else’s or the government’s.

So, try reading this piece on a similar experience had by Virginia Heffernan (Wikipedia profile) for the LA Times:

Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job.

How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in neighborhood.

This is also kind of weird. Back in the city, people don’t sweep other people’s walkways for nothing. …

What do we do about the Trumpites around us? Like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who spoke eloquently this week about her terrifying experience during the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Americans are expected to forgive and forget before we’ve even stitched up our wounds. Or gotten our vaccines against the pandemic that former President Trump utterly failed to mitigate.

My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans. They kept him in business with their support.

But the plowing.

On Jan. 6, after the insurrection, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) issued an aw-shucks plea for all Americans to love their neighbors. The United States, he said, “isn’t Hatfields and McCoys, this blood feud forever.” And, he added, “You can’t hate someone who shovels your driveway.”

At the time, I seethed; the Capitol had just been desecrated. But maybe my neighbor heard Sasse and was determined to make a bid for reconciliation.

So here’s my response to my plowed driveway, for now. Politely, but not profusely, I’ll acknowledge the Sassian move. With a wave and a thanks, a minimal start on building back trust. I’m not ready to knock on the door with a covered dish yet.

I also can’t give my neighbors absolution; it’s not mine to give. Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth. To pretend it is would be to lie, and they probably aren’t looking for absolution anyway.

But I can offer a standing invitation to make amends. Not with a snowplow but by recognizing the truth about the Trump administration and, more important, by working for justice for all those whom the administration harmed. Only when we work shoulder to shoulder to repair the damage of the last four years will we even begin to dig out of this storm.

That neighbor ought to go right out and plow this arrogant liberal cow back in.

12 Feedbacks on "A Liberal’s Response to Rural Kindness"


“Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth.”

Two concepts this arrogant twit* would have no idea of.

*feel free to change the vowel to a more appropriate one…


Interesting how the mind can be so rigidly frozen, yet the asshole of the same body can flow so freely.


…and to a person they’ll describe themselves as “tolerant”.

incaluable insouciance.


“My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans.”

There is no nice way to say it; that is flat out a lie. Like so many people who embrace the lies about Trump and the conservatives their hate replaces their morality. They lie while smiling and smugly poke their rhetorical finger in your eye.

But let’s assume, for them at least, that Trump was a bad president. How can you possibly look at what the Dems have done in the very short time they have had absolute power and think “this is good for America?” How can your hatred for Trump be so strong that you are applauding the Dems tearing down our country? How can you with the same smug smile that you use to tell lies about Trump tell us that Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are good for America???

A. Squaretail;

“Karen” Heffernans gotta do what Karen’s gotta do. That column was mighty white of her, wasn’t it?

M. Murcek

“The capitol had just been desecrated…”

There’s your problem, right there. Government is the religion of the left and Washington DC is their notional Mecca. Remember when democrats used to bloviate about “the People’s House?” Yeah, good times. Good times…


I HATE it when the Nazis shovel my driveway! Isn’t this how the Holocaust started?

Fusil Darne

She quoted AOC, calling her eloquent, when AOC was actually a lying POS, about the pre-planned Capital riots. AOC wasn’t there, wasn’t attacked, and made up the story.
But, that likely doesn’t matter to her.



“Virgin Heiferglands”

nobody had to do it, but I did it anyway.

steve walsh

A life that miserable is barely worth living, unless you can make others around you equally as miserable. The best response to her is, “You’re welcome. Have a great day!”.


It not just the neighbor, its the idea that people can act on their own initiative. A few years back here in Connecticut we had an early October snowstorm that brought down thousands of trees. Power was out for over a week in many places. In my town our First Selectwoman (mayor) didn’t want any “vigilante” chainsaw operators clearing things. By this she meant guys like me and my neighbor. We cleared both the street and most elderly neighbors driveways in about a day. Lefties cannot let people act on their own.

Dave Jenkins

I suggest someone get word to her neighbors to bypass her place next storm unless she is willing to offer compensation instead of condemnation.


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