26 Feb 2021

“First They Came For Milo”

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Francisco introduces Glenn Greenwald’s tweet thusly:

It took only two years to go from disappearing Milo and Alex Jones to banning content said to “amplify narratives that undermine faith in NATO.”

Imagine where the line will be two years from now.

HT: Bird Dog.

2 Feedbacks on "“First They Came For Milo”"


There is a “Trojan Horse” facet to this issue. The calls for diversity and the immigration of people from extraordinarily opposing cultures has infected management of all of our institutions and businesses with people who, to put it succinctly, don’t want to make America great. In fact many/most want the exact opposite. While a substantial number of these “enemies of the constitution” are merely grifting for fun and profit, many really want to destroy our country. Take a look at the leadership in two of America’s large cites; Seattle and San Francisco. They are “strangers” to America and the constitution. They actions are contrary to America and the constitution.

What we have here is an invasion by Manchurian candidates AND home grown race hustlers. This will not end well.


Power comes from dividing a nation into competing groups and “tribes”. You damn well better learn how your tribe is epected to behave and what benefits you really want. Nothing else will be tolerated. Just Google your identity to get all the relevant details; it is all very scientific. No exceptions!


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