29 Jun 2022

Lincoln Cancelled

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First they came for Robert E. Lee, and I did not speak out-
Because I was born outside the Confederacy.

Then they came for Christopher Columbus, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not Italian.

Then they came for Teddy Roosevelt, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a hunter or an Imperialist.

Then they came for Abraham Lincoln—
and there was no one left to speak for Abe.

College Fix:

“Someone complained, and it was gone.”

That’s all Cornell University biology Professor Randy Wayne said he has been able to determine so far about the whereabouts of a longtime display in the Ivy League school’s Kroch Library of a bust of President Abraham Lincoln in front of a bronzed Gettysburg Address plaque.

Wayne, a frequent visitor to the library, which houses Cornell’s rare and manuscript collections, said when he stopped in several weeks ago he noticed the display had been disappeared.

“It’s been there since I can remember,” he told The College Fix in an interview.

He asked the librarians about it, and they had no details to provide, except to say it was removed after some sort of complaint, he said. It’s been replaced with, “well, nothing,” Wayne said. The walls are white, according to photos Wayne took for The Fix.

The bust and plaque had been on display in the library since at least 2013.

On June 23, Wayne emailed Cornell University President Martha Pollack, asking about the display:

    Dear President Pollack,

    I am wondering if you are aware that the bust of Abraham Lincoln purchased by Ezra Cornell and the bronze plaque of the Gettysburg Address that was beside it has been removed from the RMC in Kroch Library and replaced with nothing. If you are aware, can you tell me why? Thanks.

Pollack has not responded to him, the professor told The Fix.

The president’s office and Cornell media affairs has also not responded to repeated emailed requests over the last week from The College Fix, as well as a phone call Monday, regarding the whereabouts of the Gettysburg Address plaque and Lincoln bust, and why they were removed.

One Feedback on "Lincoln Cancelled"


Look for the professor to be terminated for being so racist as to notice and so sexist and misogynistic to dare question Madame Presidente.


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