30 Jun 2022

Five Cellists, One Cello Do Ravel’s Bolero

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HT: Karen L. Myers.

5 Feedbacks on "Five Cellists, One Cello Do Ravel’s Bolero"

Five Cellists, One Cello Do Ravel’s Bolero | Evocatively Ambiguous

[…] via NYM […]

Hairless Joe

As a rule, I really like Ravel, but once per lifetime for “Bolero” is an ample dose, for me at least.


I am suggesting we set up a gofundme page to get the other four a Cello.

Glypto Dropem

I like this one. Sorry its off Fakebook but it is the best video version.


I can’t even play one instrument normal by myself and can’t imagine doing a performance like these.


Pikers. They go nuthin on these guys.


Stupid humor at the beginning but a spectacular finish


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