Apropos of media coverage of events in Ferguson, The Thinking Housewife quotes the highly unfashionable and totally politically incorrect Princetonian Carleton Putnam, writing in Race and Reality, A Search for Solutions, 1967:
Let a man be told incessantly that everything he and his forefathers had achieved was largely a matter of chance; that the poverty and backward condition of other individuals and races was also largely a question of luck—in fact perhaps even the fault of himself and his forefathers; that his standards of morals, fiscal responsibility and personal integrity were no better than anyone else’s; that his civilization was mostly happenstance and really nothing much to be proud of; that since all humanity were innately equal, all actual differences must be due to the other man’s misfortune and his own four-leaf clovers—let a man hear these things often enough and his values were bound to change.
Hat tip to Vanderleun.
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