Category Archive 'Ferguson Riots'

23 Aug 2014

Ferguson Locals Stone Chris Hayes

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Front Page says:

[S]eeing protesters throwing rocks at MSNBC’s Chris Hayes restores our faith in humanity. Whether you’re a cop with a sniper rifle or a looter with fist full of stolen nachos, this animated GIF of rocks being thrown at the smuggest man on the smuggest news network in America shows that there is hope for all of us.

22 Aug 2014

Ferguson Fashion



Via Vanderleun.

22 Aug 2014

The Left’s Big Lie

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Apropos of media coverage of events in Ferguson, The Thinking Housewife quotes the highly unfashionable and totally politically incorrect Princetonian Carleton Putnam, writing in Race and Reality, A Search for Solutions, 1967:

Let a man be told incessantly that everything he and his forefathers had achieved was largely a matter of chance; that the poverty and backward condition of other individuals and races was also largely a question of luck—in fact perhaps even the fault of himself and his forefathers; that his standards of morals, fiscal responsibility and personal integrity were no better than anyone else’s; that his civilization was mostly happenstance and really nothing much to be proud of; that since all humanity were innately equal, all actual differences must be due to the other man’s misfortune and his own four-leaf clovers—let a man hear these things often enough and his values were bound to change.

Hat tip to Vanderleun.

21 Aug 2014

Lib Says Ferguson Residents Too Prone to Blaming Themselves

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Poor innocent 18-year-old Michael Brown, shortly before he was shot by an obviously racially-biased police officer.

Helpfully, in the New Republic, Julia Ioffe warns that African Americans in Ferguson, Missouri have been excessively self critical.

This self-criticism—or self-flagellation—is nothing new. It’s the return of a phenomenon that is referred to by African-American historians as the “politics of respectability.” “During times of unrest, black writers going back to the early 20th century have argued that the reason blacks are facing discrimination or police brutality is because they have not been acting properly in public—particularly young, poor people,” says Michael Dawson, a political scientist and director of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at the University of Chicago. “In the last 20 years, it’s been a criticism of baggy pants, rap music, hair styles. Back in my generation, it was Afros. I remember my grandparents telling me, ‘you should cut your hair.’”

Respectability, in essence, is about policing the behavior in your community to make sure people are behaving “properly,” so as to not attract unwelcome attention from whites—“with ‘properly’ being a normatively white middle class presentation,” says Dawson. In feminist discourse, a similar phenomenon among women is described as internalizing the patriarchal gaze.

Concerned citizens in Ferguson, Missouri protesting police violence and militarization of the police.

21 Aug 2014

Ferguson Reflection

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